Only need your pup with us during the day, no problem! We offer daytime care for our guests, whether you are looking for a consistent schedule/day of the week or need them to visit while work is done on the house, we have you covered.

Daycare Visits
- Drop-off: 7:30-10 Pick-Up: 4:00-6:00
-We follow a similar schedule to boarding, the only difference would be meals.
-We can feed lunch upon request
- We can also groom your pup while they visit so they are clean for pick-up! Just let us know in advance and we can make sure they get a groom or bath that day.

$32 per day per dog
Daycare Passes:
5 Day Pass- $155
10 Day Pass- $300
*Add Nail grinding for $20 and get a minimum 2 grinds per pass
Days do not expire
Multi-Dog discounts available